Browsing by Author Beeken, Marco

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Showing results 16 to 25 of 25 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023“In Search of Prof. Aurum”─A Mobile Escape Room Setting for Youth RecreationSchmidt, Johann; Amel, Henning; Korte, Tatjana; Beeken, Marco 
2018``PubScience-The Long Night of Experiments'': Students Present Chemical Experiments in Dining FacilitiesBeeken, Marco ; Budke, Michael
2022Shaping future together – potential of an environmental citizen science project for science educationLüsse, Mientje; Brockhage, Frauke; Beeken, Marco ; Pietzner, Verena
2022Specialist Group Conference ``Sustainably communicating Chemistry''Beeken, Marco 
2022Spectrometer build of LEGO®‐bricks – innovations for classes in modern chemistryOsterheider, Mattis; Bourdon, Bjoern; Boettcher, Rasmus; Imlau, Mirco ; Beeken, Marco 
2022``Sustainability Make-It-Yourself'' - the Environmental-Make@thon as an innovative science communication formatAmel, Henning; Schmidt, Johann; Kreienhop, Nils; Beeken, Marco 
2023``The Gourmet Murderer'' - a mobile escape room on food chemistrySchmidt, Johann; Korte, Tatjana; Amel, Henning; Beeken, Marco 
2017The science communication project ``Experimenteller Lee(h)rstand''Beeken, Marco ; Budke, Michael
2018Traditional or vegetarian? - ``Es geht um die Wurst!'' in the GreenLabBeeken, Marco ; Walf, Swantje; Budke, Michael
2019With flowers to electrochemistry - new and simple experimental set-upsBeeken, Marco ; Fallenbeck, Malte; Budke, Michael