Browsing by Author Dietel, Anne-Kathrin

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Convergent Evolution in Intracellular Elements Plasmids as Model EndosymbiontsDietel, Anne-Kathrin; Kaltenpoth, Martin; Kost, Christian 
2018Impaired competence in flagellar mutants of Bacillus subtilis is connected to the regulatory network governed by DegUHoelscher, Theresa; Schiklang, Tina; Dragos, Anna; Dietel, Anne-Kathrin; Kost, Christian ; Kovacs, Akos T.
2017Impaired competence in flagellar mutants of Bacillus subtilis is connected to the regulatory network governed by DegUHoelscher, Theresa; Schiklang, Tina; Dragoš, Anna; Dietel, Anne-Kathrin; Kost, Christian ; Kovács, Ákos T.
2019Selective advantages favour high genomic AT-contents in intracellular elementsDietel, Anne-Kathrin; Merker, Holger; Kaltenpoth, Martin; Kost, Christian