Browsing by Author Edwards, D. J.

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Showing results 3 to 4 of 4 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Tailoring the near-field guiding properties of magnetic metamaterials with two resonant elements per unit cellSydoruk, O.; Radkovskaya, A.; Zhuromskyy, O.; Shamonina, E.; Shamonin, M.; Stevens, C. J.; Faulkner, G.; Edwards, D. J.; Solymar, L.
2007Transmission properties of two shifted magnetoinductive waveguidesRadkovskaya, A.; Sydoruk, O.; Shamonin, M.; Stevens, C. J.; Faulkner, G.; Edwards, D. J.; Shamonina, E.; Solymar, L.