Browsing by Author Martin, Alexandra

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Showing results 3 to 5 of 5 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021ImaginYouth : a Therapist-Guided Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Adolescents and Young Adults With Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Study Protocol for a Two-Arm Randomized Controlled TrialHartmann, Andrea S. ; Schmidt, Michaela; Staufenbiel, Thomas ; Ebert, David D.; Martin, Alexandra; Schoenenberg, Katrin
2021ImaginYouth-A Therapist-Guided Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Adolescents and Young Adults With Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Study Protocol for a Two-Arm Randomized Controlled TrialHartmann, Andrea S. ; Schmidt, Michaela; Staufenbiel, Thomas ; Ebert, David D.; Martin, Alexandra; Schoenenberg, Katrin
2010The assessment of chronic fatigue: psychometric properties of the Fatigue Scale (FS)Martin, Alexandra; Staufenbiel, Thomas ; Gaab, Jens; Rief, Winfried; Braehler, Elmar