Browsing by Author Schmidt, Heinz-Juergen

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Showing results 19 to 33 of 33 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Modulated spin waves and robust quasi-solitons in classical Heisenberg ringsSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Schroeder, Christian; Luban, Marshall
2020Periodic thermodynamics of a two spin Rabi modelSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen
2019Periodic thermodynamics of the Rabi model with circular polarization for arbitrary spin quantum numbersSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Schnack, Juergen ; Holthaus, Martin
2019Reduction and Extremality of Finite ObservablesSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen
2017Spin waves in rings of classical magnetic dipolesSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Schroeder, Christian; Luban, Marshall
2021Stochastic thermodynamics of a finite quantum system coupled to a heat bathSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Schnack, Juergen ; Gemmer, Jochen 
2023Stochastic Thermodynamics of a Finite Quantum System Coupled to Two Heat BathsSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Gemmer, Jochen
2021Supersymmetric spin-phonon coupling prevents odd integer spins from quantum tunnelingIrlander, Kilian; Schmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Schnack, Jurgen 
2006Symplectic integrators for classical spin systemsSteinigeweg, Robin ; Schmidt, Heinz-Juergen
2014Tenth-order high-temperature expansion for the susceptibility and the specific heat of spin-s Heisenberg models with arbitrary exchange patterns: Application to pyrochlore and kagome magnetsLohmann, Andre; Schmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Richter, Johannes
2018The Floquet Theory of the Two-Level System RevisitedSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen
2013THE GENERAL SPIN TRIANGLESchmidt, Heinz-Juergen
2020The Rabi problem with elliptical polarizationSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen
2022Thermodynamics of the classical spin triangleSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Schroeder, Christian
2023Thermodynamics of the Spin SquareSchmidt, Heinz-Juergen; Schroeder, Christian