Browsing by Author Symanzik, C.

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Showing results 17 to 31 of 31 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Prevalence and incidence of hand eczema in hairdressers - a systematic review and meta-analysis of published literature from 2000-2021.Havmose, Martin; Kezic, Sanja; Frosch, Peter J.; Symanzik, C.; Hallmann, Sarah; Strahwald, Julia; Weinert, Patricia; Macan, Marija; Turk, Rajka; van der Molen, Henk F; Babić, Željka; Macan, Jelena; John, Swen M ; Johansen, Jeanne D.
2022Prevalence and incidence of hand eczema in hairdressers – a systematic review and meta‐analysis of published literature from 2000‐2021Havmose, Martin; Kezic, Sanja; Frosch, Peter J.; Symanzik, C.; Hallmann, Sarah; Strahwald, Julia; Weinert, Patricia; Macan, Marija; Turk, Rajka; Molen, Henk F.; Babić, Željka; Macan, Jelena; John, Swen M. ; Johansen, Jeanne D.
2019Prevalence of Nickel Allergies among Employees in the German Hairdressing TradeSymanzik, C.; John, S. M. ; Strunk, M.
2021Professional dermatological Examination of Nickel- and Cobalt Allergies among Employees in the Hairdressing TradeSymanzik, C.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. 
2023Promoting the autonomous implemen- tation of the European framework agree- ment on occupational health and safety in the hairdressing sectorSymanzik, C.; Uter, W.; John, S. M. 
2023Psoriasis and occupation: retrospective evaluation of clinical presentation and risk factors of a tertiary individual prevention collectiveSymanzik, C.; Pinske, R.; Ofenloch, R.; Elsner, P.; Strom, K.; Weisshaar, E.; John, S. M. ; Skudlik, C. 
2022Recommendation: Indication and cost coverage for biologics within therapies of the employer's liability insurance association by the example of Dupilumab: a basis for discussionSymanzik, C.; Altenburg, C.; Awe, S.; Drechsel-Schlund, C.; Nienhaus, A.; Brandenburg, St; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. 
2022Recommendation: Indication and cost coverage for biologics within therapies of the employer's liability insurance association by the example of Dupilumab: A basis for discussion [Indikation und Kostenübernahme von Biologika im berufsgenossenschaftlichen Heilverfahren am Beispiel von Dupilumab: Eine Diskussionsgrundlage]Symanzik, C.; Altenburg, C.; Awe, S.; Drechsel-Schlund, C.; Nienhaus, A.; Brandenburg, St.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S.M. 
2022Recommendation: long-term therapy of occupational hand eczema with alitretinoin within therapies of the employer's liability insurance associationSymanzik, C.; Altenburg, C.; Awe, S.; Drechsel-Schlund, C.; Nienhaus, A.; John, S. M. 
2020Screening metallic hairdresser tools for nickel releaseSymanzik, C.; John, S. M. 
2020Screening metallic hairdresser tools for nickel releaseSymanzik, C.; John, S. M. 
2021Skin stress in Times of COVID-19: Experimental Investigation of the Effect of increased Skin Washing Duration and Frequency on Barrier Function and inflammatory Processes of the EpidermisSymanzik, C.; Sonsmann, F. K.; Nordheider, K.; Skudlik, C. ; Brans, R. ; John, S. M. 
2022Systematic analysis of patient-specific substance testing in Germany: DGUV research project FB 317b on quality assurance in the diagnosis of occupational type IV allergiesSymanzik, C.; Dicke, K.; Brans, R. ; Weinert, P.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. 
2022Systematic Analysis of the Testing of Patients' own Substances in Germany: DGUV Research Project FB 317b for Quality Assurance in the Diagnosis of occupational type IV AllergiesSymanzik, C.; Dicke, K.; Brans, R. ; Weinert, P.; Skudlik, C. ; John, S. M. 
2023Teledermatological Follow-Up Consultations in Individual Prevention of Occupational Dermatoses: A Monocentric Feasibility Study on Quality and Satisfaction by Patients and PhysiciansGill, Carina; Fischer, Ann-Kristin; Dicke, Katja; Teigelake, Björn; Brans, Richard ; Skudlik, Christoph ; John, Swen Malte ; Symanzik, C.