Browsing by Author Tsurkan, V

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Electronic structure of cobalt-doped manganitesFalub, MC; Tsurkan, V; Neumann, M; Troyanchuk, IO; Galakhov, VR; Kurmaev, EZ; Weitering, HH
2000Electronic structure of FeCr2S4 and Fe0.5Cu0.5Cr2S4Kurmaev, EZ; Postnikov, AV; Palmer, HM; Greaves, C; Bartkowski, S; Tsurkan, V; Demeter, M; Hartmann, D; Neumann, M; Zatsepin, DA; Galakhov, VR; Shamin, SN; Trofimova, V
2000Exchange splitting of the Cr, Fe and Mn 3s XPS spectra in some ternary magnetic semiconductor sulphidesTsurkan, V; Demeter, M; Schneider, B; Hartmann, D; Neumann, M
2000Splitting of the Cr 2p ions states in some ternary sulphides and selenidesTsurkan, V; Plogmann, S; Demeter, M; Hartmann, D; Neumann, M