Browsing by Author Tzetlin, Alexander B.

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Showing results 2 to 3 of 3 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Musculature in polychaetes: comparison of Myrianida prolifera (Syllidae) and Sphaerodoropsis sp (Sphaerodoridae)Filippova, Anna; Purschke, Guenter ; Tzetlin, Alexander B.; Mueller, Monika C. M.
2006Three-dimensional reconstruction of the F-actin musculature of Dorvillea kastjani (Dorvilleidae : Polychaeta) by means of phalloidin-labelling and cLSMFilippova, Anna; Purschke, Guenter ; Tzetlin, Alexander B.; Mueller, Monika C. M.