Browsing by Author Adamson, Matthew W.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Forecasting resilience profiles of the run-up to regime shifts in nearly-one-dimensional systemsAdamson, Matthew W.; Dawes, Jonathan H. P.; Hastings, Alan; Hilker, Frank M. 
2020Identifying the sources of structural sensitivity in partially specified biological modelsAdamson, Matthew W.; Morozov, Andrew Yu
2020Resource-harvester cycles caused by delayed knowledge of the harvested population state can be dampened by harvester forecastingAdamson, Matthew W.; Hilker, Frank M. 
2017The practice of prediction: What can ecologists learn from applied, ecology-related fields?Pennekamp, Frank; Adamson, Matthew W.; Petchey, Owen L.; Poggiale, Jean-Christophe; Aguiar, Maira; Kooi, Bob W.; Botkin, Daniel B.; DeAngelis, Donald L.