Browsing by Author Blinn, N.

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Increase in productivity of technical customer services through intelligent mobile assistance systems [Produktivitätssteigerung technischer kundendienstleistungen durch intelligente mobile assistenzsysteme]Blinn, N.; Nüttgens, M.; Fellmann, M.; Thomas, O. ; Schlicker, M.
2009IT-supported value-added chains for the integration of products and servicesThomas, O. ; Walter, P.; Blinn, N.; Schlicker, M.
2010Process-oriented information modeling and exchange paradigm for the support of complex after sales services with mobile technologies: A case study in the German machine and plant construction industryBlinn, N.; Nüttgens, M.; Dollmann, T.; Thomas, O. ; Loos, P.; Schlicker, M.
2010Productivity management of hybrid service bundles: On the way towards productivity management systematics for efficient value-added partnerships [Produktivitätsmanagement hybrider Leistungsbündel: Auf dem Weg zu einer Produktivitätsmanagementsystematik für effiziente Wertschöpfungspartnerschaften]Becker, J.; Beverungen, D.; Blinn, N.; Fellmann, M.; Knackstedt, R.; Nüttgens, M.; Thomas, O. 
2011Supporting technical customer services with mobile devices: Towards an integrated information system architectureFellmann, M.; Hucke, S.; Breitschwerdt, R.; Thomas, O. ; Blinn, N.; Schlicker, M.
2011Towards a holistic approach for sustainable partner selection in the electrics and electronics industryWittstruck, D.; Teuteberg, F.