Browsing by Author Eglitis, R

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Adsorption and dissociation of water on relaxed alumina clusters: a first principles studyFernandez, EM; Eglitis, R; Borstel, G; Balbas, LC
1999Critical effects in optical response due to charge transfer vibronic excitons and their structure in perovskite-like systemsVikhnin, VS; Liu, HM; Jia, WY; Kapphan, S; Eglitis, R; Usvyat, D
2001Theory of bound polarons in oxide compoundsDevreese, JT; Fomin, VM; Pokatilov, EP; Kotomin, EA; Eglitis, R; Zhukovskii, YF