MpTCP1 controls cell proliferation and redox processes in Marchantia polymorpha

Autor(en): Busch, Andrea
Deckena, Marek
Almeida-Trapp, Marilia
Kopischke, Sarah
Kock, Cilian
Schuessler, Esther
Tsiantis, Miltos
Mithoefer, Axel
Zachgo, Sabine 
Stichwörter: BIOSYNTHESIS; cell proliferation; DIFFERENTIATION; DNA binding; EVOLUTION; EXPRESSION; GROWTH; IN-VIVO; INHIBITION; Marchantia polymorpha; Plant Sciences; PLANTS; POLYPHENOL OXIDASE; redox regulation; secondary metabolites; TCP; TCP TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Herausgeber: WILEY
Band: 224
Ausgabe: 4
Startseite: 1627
Seitenende: 1641
TCP transcription factors are key regulators of angiosperm cell proliferation processes. It is unknown whether their regulatory growth capacities are conserved across land plants, which we examined in liverworts, one of the earliest diverging land plant lineages. We generated knockout mutants for MpTCP1, the single TCP-P clade gene in Marchantia polymorpha, and characterized its function by conducting cell proliferation and morphological analyses as well as messenger RNA expression, transcriptome, chemical, and DNA binding studies. Mptcp1(ge) lines show a reduced vegetative thallus growth and extra tissue formation in female reproductive structures. Additionally, mutant plants reveal increased hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels and an enhanced pigmentation in the thallus caused by formation of secondary metabolites, such as aminochromes. MpTCP1 proteins interact redox dependently with DNA and regulate the expression of a comprehensive redox network, comprising enzymes involved in H2O2 metabolism. MpTCP1 regulates Marchantia growth in a context-dependent manner. Redox sensitivity of the DNA binding capacity of MpTCP1 proteins provides a mechanism to respond to altered redox conditions. Our data suggest that MpTCP1 activity could thereby have contributed to diversification of land plant morphologies and to adaptations to abiotic and biotic challenges, as experienced by liverworts during early land plant colonization.
ISSN: 0028646X
DOI: 10.1111/nph.16132

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