Body image disturbance in patients with borderline personality disorder: Impact of eating disorders and perceived childhood sexual abuse

Autor(en): Dyer, Anne
Borgmann, Elisabeth
Feldmann, Jr., Robert E.
Kleindienst, Nikolaus
Priebe, Kathlen
Bohus, Martin
Vocks, Silja 
Stichwörter: ANOREXIA-NERVOSA; BEHAVIORS; Body image; Borderline personality disorder; BULIMIA-NERVOSA; COMORBIDITY; Eating disorders; FOLLOW-UP; Psychiatry; Psychology; Psychology, Clinical; Psychology, Multidisciplinary; PSYCHOPATHOLOGY; QUESTIONNAIRE; Sexual abuse; VALIDITY; VERSION; WOMEN
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013
Volumen: 10
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 220
Seitenende: 225
Body image disturbances occur in women with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Systematic research on these characteristics in well-defined BPD groups is lacking. It is unknown, if the disturbances are related to eating disorders and childhood sexual abuse (CSA), which frequently co-occur in patients with BPD. In the present study, cognitive-affective and behavioral components of body image for 89 female patients with BPD (49 with lifetime eating disorders) and 41 healthy participants were assessed via Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ) and Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ). Within the BPD group, 43 patients reported a history of CSA. Compared to healthy controls, BPD patients reported significantly more negative scores in the BIAQ and the MBSRQ Both a history of CSA and a comorbid eating disorder were independently associated with an even more negative body image. Results suggest a disturbance of cognitive-affective and behavioral components of body image in female BPD patients. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 17401445
DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2012.12.007

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