A novel selective RF applicator for reducing thigh circumference: a clinical evaluation

Autor(en): Fritz, Klaus
Samkova, Petra
Salavastru, Carmen
Hudec, Jan
Stichwörter: body contouring; Dermatology; lipodystrophy; panniculitis; RADIOFREQUENCY; REDUCTION; subcutaneous tissue
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016
Herausgeber: WILEY
Volumen: 29
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 92
Seitenende: 95
The demand for noninvasive body contouring procedures continues to drive the development of new technology to treat areas on the body that are more resistant to diet and exercise. This study assesses the safety and efficacy of a novel selective RF applicator as a noninvasive, contactless method for reducing thigh circumference using a radiofrequency electric field (Vanquish Flex Applicator, BTL Industries Inc., Boston, MA). Forty-two female subjects were enrolled to undergo a treatment of their bilateral inner and outer thighs (saddle bags) once weekly for 4 weeks. Thigh circumference was measured at the baseline and 2 weeks after the fourth treatment. The primary objective was the evaluation of clinical outcomes of 40 treated subjects. Safety of the device was assessed based on adverse events reports during the course of the study. Forty subjects completed the study. After four treatments, the therapy group showed a statistically significant (p<0.001) reduction in thigh circumference of 2.43 cm compared with an untreated control group of 10 patients, where no change was seen (p=0.297). No treatment associated pain or discomfort was reported by the subjects. There were also no reports of adverse events. This study demonstrates that the contactless RF Applicator is safe, painless and effective for the circumferential reduction of the thighs.
ISSN: 13960296
DOI: 10.1111/dth.12304

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