Internet-Based Motivation Program for Women With Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Pathology and Depressive Mood Predict Dropout

Autor(en): von Brachel, Ruth
Hoetzel, Katrin
Hirschfeld, Gerrit
Rieger, Elizabeth
Schmidt, Ulrike
Kosfelder, Joachim
Hechler, Tanja
Schulte, Dietmar
Vocks, Silja 
Stichwörter: anorexia nervosa; ANOREXIA-NERVOSA; attrition; bootstrapping; bulimia nervosa; BULIMIA-NERVOSA; CHANGE QUESTIONNAIRE; COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY; eHealth, eating disorders; Health Care Sciences & Services; INPATIENT TREATMENT; INTERVENTIONS; Medical Informatics; motivation to change; PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES; PSYCHOTHERAPY; RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED-TRIAL; survival analysis; VALIDATION; Web-based treatment
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014
Volumen: 16
Ausgabe: 3
Startseite: 145
Seitenende: 157
Background: One of the main problems of Internet-delivered interventions for a range of disorders is the high dropout rate, yet little is known about the factors associated with this. We recently developed and tested a Web-based 6-session program to enhance motivation to change for women with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or related subthreshold eating pathology. Objective: The aim of the present study was to identify predictors of dropout from this Web program. Methods: A total of 179 women took part in the study. We used survival analyses (Cox regression) to investigate the predictive effect of eating disorder pathology (assessed by the Eating Disorders Examination-Questionnaire; EDE-Q), depressive mood (Hopkins Symptom Checklist), motivation to change (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale; URICA), and participants' age at dropout. To identify predictors, we used the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) method. Results: The dropout rate was 50.8% (91/179) and was equally distributed across the 6 treatment sessions. The LASSO analysis revealed that higher scores on the Shape Concerns subscale of the EDE-Q, a higher frequency of binge eating episodes and vomiting, as well as higher depression scores significantly increased the probability of dropout. However, we did not find any effect of the URICA or age on dropout. Conclusions: Women with more severe eating disorder pathology and depressive mood had a higher likelihood of dropping out from a Web-based motivational enhancement program. Interventions such as ours need to address the specific needs of women with more severe eating disorder pathology and depressive mood and offer them additional support to prevent them from prematurely discontinuing treatment.
ISSN: 14388871
DOI: 10.2196/jmir.3104

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