Furanoside-pyranoside isomerization of tubercidin and its 2′-deoxy derivatives: Influence of nucleobase and sugar structure on the proton-catalysed reaction

Autor(en): Seela, F.
Menkhoff, S.
Behrendt, S.
Erscheinungsdatum: 1986
Journal: Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2
Ausgabe: 4
Startseite: 525
Seitenende: 530
2′-Deoxy-2-methoxytubercidin (6a) which was prepared from the nucleobase (1a) with the halogenose (2) via phase-transfer glycosylation isomerizes rapidly under acidic conditions. Two pyranosides [(7a) and (8a)] and the anomeric furanoside (5a) are formed. The isomerization process was followed kinetically, demonstrating that furanoside formation is kinetically controlled whereas the β-pyranoside (7a) is the thermodynamically most stable product. From 2′-deoxytubercidin (6b) similar results were obtained but isomerization was slow, compared with (6a). The ribonucleoside tubercidin (6c) did isomerize only under vigorous acid treatment leading to the α-furanoside (5c) and the nucleobase (1c) by cleavage of the N-glycosylic bond.
ISSN: 1472779X
DOI: 10.1039/P29860000525
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-37049084703&doi=10.1039%2fP29860000525&partnerID=40&md5=1c256b9e81d85ff9fc2447979e9df11c

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