Prevention of irritant contact dermatitis in hairdressers through topical application of co 2-impregnated water / empirical and experimental studies [Prävention irritativer kontaktekzeme bei friseuren durch topische anwendung von co 2-imprägniertem wasser empirische und experimentelle Untersuchungen]

Autor(en): Bock, M.
Schwanitz, H.J.
Stichwörter: carbon dioxide, 124-38-9, 58561-67-4; water, 7732-18-5; carbon dioxide; Co 2-impregnated water; contact dermatitis; controlled study; Cumulative subtoxic hand eczema; drug efficacy; hairdresser; hand eczema; human; major clinical study; occupational allergy; Skin physiological parameters; Skin protection; Skin surface ph; topical drug administration; water, article
Erscheinungsdatum: 1999
Journal: Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt
Volumen: 47
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 53
Seitenende: 57
Empirical and experimental studies on the effect of CO 2-impregnated water on skin disease in hairdressers were performed, prompted by positive case reports. A total of 102 hairdressers who regularly applied CO 2-impregnated water on their diseased skin (mostly cumulative subtoxic hand eczema), were questioned. Of these, 76 % reported a favorable influence of this application on their skin disease. As a result of this questionnaire, a unilateral controlled study was conceived to objectively determine the possible preventive and therapeutic effects of CO2impregnated water on experimentally induced irritant skin damage. The effect of the CO2impregnated water on the cumulatively irritated skin was assessed by measuring transepidermal water loss, the conductivity, microcirculation (laser Doppler flowmetry), and stratum corneum pH. The results showed that the topical application of CO 2-impregnated water on the skin favorably influenced the physiological parameters in cumulatively irritated skin. Even by clinical assessment positive effects of CO 2 application could be found, also compared to test areas treated with normal water as a control.
ISSN: 03432432
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