Multivariate Morphometric Study of the Sempervivum montanum Group (Crassulaceae) in the West Carpathians

Autor(en): Letz, R.
Marhold, K.
Stichwörter: Crassulaceae; Discriminant analysis; Flora of Slovakia; Multivariate morphometrics; Principal components analysis. - West Carpathians; Sempervivum montanum. - Cluster analysis
Erscheinungsdatum: 1998
Journal: Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae
Volumen: 38
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 323
Seitenende: 336
Multivariate morphometric study of the Sempervivum montanum group based on material from the West Carpathians is presented. Methods used include principal components analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. The study confirmed the possibility to recognise two taxa on the subspecific level in the area studied. The correct names of these taxa, both different from S. montanum L. s. str., depend on the acceptance of the proposal to reject the name S. carpathicum WETTST. ex PRODAN. Therefore we treat them at present under informal designations, as "lowland" and "upland" taxon. The proposed subspecies differ in respect of the size of rosettes and rosette leaves and the colour of leaves. Both differ from S. montanum in the acuminate rosette leaves, their sparse, short glandular hairs, and in the petals which are usually longer (12-16 mm).
ISSN: 00792047
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