Spectrum of contact allergens in patients with leg ulcers or stasis dermatitis in Germany [Unterschenkelekzem bei chronisch-venoser insuffizienz - Aktuelle allergologische aspekte]

Autor(en): John, S.M. 
Geier, J.
Stichwörter: antibiotic agent; article; balsam; chloroacetamide; contact allergen; Contact allergy; contact dermatitis; contact sensitivity; Contact sensitization; corticosteroid; female; herbaceous agent; human; Leg ulcer; major clinical study; male; patch test; propolis, Arnica montana; Stasis dermatitis; venous stasis
Erscheinungsdatum: 1998
Journal: Zeitschrift fur Dermatologie
Volumen: 184
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: 16
Seitenende: 23
1061 patients with stasis dermatitis and/or leg ulcers were patch tested in the years 1994/95 in various German allergological centers which form the informational network of departments of dermatology (IVDK). Most patients were patch tested with the standard series, cream base series, preservatives, medicaments and corticosteroids as recommended by the German contact-allergy- group (DKG). 759 patients (71,6%) showed positive patch-test results. In the standard series the fragrance mix was the most frequent allergen (24,8%) followed bei balsam of Peru (21,9%). Besides those classical allergens a variety of new preservatives and herbal drug-preparations (e.g. Chloracetamid, Arnica, Propolis) seem to gain importance. An additional test- series for leg ulcer-patients is proposed, derived from the epidemiological data. The results strongly underline the necessity of up-to-date prophylactic measures.
ISSN: 09464115
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0031826937&partnerID=40&md5=f51403d620fd389c15a1fd1e20b5f84c

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