Radiatively coupled waveguide concept for an integrated magneto-optic circulator

Autor(en): Lohmeyer, M.
Shamonin, M.
Bahlmann, N.
Hertel, P.
Doetsch, H.
Stichwörter: Approximation theory; Computer simulation; Garnets; Integrated optoelectronics; Performance; Waveguide circulators; Waveguide couplers; Waveguide isolators, Integrated magnetooptic circulator; Magnetic garnet; Three mode approximation; Transmission loss, Optical waveguides
Erscheinungsdatum: 1998
Herausgeber: MRS, Warrendale
Enthalten in: Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
Band: 517
Startseite: 519
Seitenende: 524
Three-guide couplers with multimode central waveguides allow for remote coupling between optical channels. A simple three mode approximation turns out to be sufficient for the description of the main features of the power transfer behavior. The specific form of the relevant modes suggests the design of integrated optical isolators and circulators based on magnetic garnet materials. These novel devices are superior to conventional nonreciprocal couplers with respect to the total length and admissible fabrication tolerances. We characterize the isolation performance and the transmission loss for the proposed devices by propagating mode simulations and estimate the influence of geometry parameter deviations.
Conference of Proceedings of the 1998 MRS Spring Symposium ; Conference Date: 13 April 1998 Through 15 April 1998; Conference Code:48894
ISSN: 02729172
DOI: 10.1557/proc-517-519
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0032296713&doi=10.1557%2fproc-517-519&partnerID=40&md5=cf090fb1153b66e60519e2a571bffc58

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