The current implementation of the EC water framework directive - Consequences and prospects for agriculture taking lower saxony as an example [Die aktuelle umsetzung der EG-wasserrahmenrichtlinie - Konsequenzen und perspektiven für die landwirtschaft am beispiel niedersachsens]

Autor(en): Kastens, B.
Newig, J.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2005
Journal: Berichte uber Landwirtschaft
Volumen: 83
Ausgabe: 3
Startseite: 463
Seitenende: 482
The article discusses the requirements of the EC Water Framework Directive (WFD), their consequences for agriculture as well as the prospects, which result, in particular, from the provisions regarding public participation. The Land of Lower Saxony, with a strong focus on agriculture, is taken as an example. In this context, the reduction and/or avoidance of water pollution from diffuse sources gets special attention. Apart from the so-called priority substances (e. g. pesticides), nitrate pollutions are being examined, in particular. An analysis of the individual instruments of the WFD - water quality inventories ("Art. 5 reports"), monitoring, sets of measures and river basin management plans as well as public participation - also shows the uncertainties that are still involved in the implementation of the framework directive. First results of the research project "PartizipA" have been incorporated into the considerations this article.
ISSN: 00059080
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