Effective methods for reinforcement learning in large multi-agent domains [Leistungsfähige verfahren für das reinforcement lernen in komplexen multi-agenten-umgebungen]

Autor(en): Riedmiller, M.
Withopf, D.
Stichwörter: Computer graphics; I.3 [computer graphic]; I.3 [Computer Graphics]; Maschinelles Lernen; Multi agent; Multi-Agenten Systeme; Reinforcement learning; Reinforcement learning method; Reinforcement Lernen; RoboCup; Robotic soccer; Robotics; Simulation league, Multi agent systems; Sports, Agent domains
Erscheinungsdatum: 2005
Herausgeber: De Gruyter Oldenbourg
Journal: IT - Information Technology
Volumen: 47
Ausgabe: 5
Startseite: 241
Seitenende: 249
Robotic soccer requires the ability of individually acting agents to cooperate. The simulation league of RoboCup therefore offers an ideal testbed for evaluating multi-agent methods. In this paper we discuss how Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods can be succesfully applied within the scenario of learning to cooperatively score a goal. Due to the complexity of the task, enhanced methods of learning have to be applied. We discuss several approaches from literature and also present an own approach. All approaches are evaluated on a discretized version of robotic soccer, which we call gridworld soccer. © Oldenbourg Verlag 2005.
ISSN: 16112776
DOI: 10.1524/itit.2005.47.5_2005.241
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85117193492&doi=10.1524%2fitit.2005.47.5_2005.241&partnerID=40&md5=8ffaf32e14aeea0cb12f06fe334f82cf

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