Weierstrass' solutions to certain nonlinear wave and evolution equations

Autor(en): Schuermann, H.W.
Serov, V.S.
Stichwörter: Elliptic functions; Evolution equations; Nonlinear waves; Periodic, Differential equations; Nonlinear equations; Ordinary differential equations; Piers; Waves, Wave equations
Erscheinungsdatum: 2004
Journal: PIERS 2004 - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Extended Papers Proceedings
Startseite: 651
Seitenende: 654
A method is presented for finding a subset of the exact (traveling-wave) solutions of various nonlinear wave and evolution equations (NLWEE). By using an appropriate ansatz ψ → f the NLWEE is transformed into an ordinary differential equation (fz)2=P, where P is (in general) a fourth degree polynomial in f. The solutions of this differential equation are expressed compactly in terms of Weierstrass's elliptic function and include (real, bounded) periodic and solitary-wave-like solutions.
Conference of PIERS 2004 - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium ; Conference Date: 28 March 2004 Through 31 March 2004; Conference Code:73905
ISBN: 9788884922687
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-54249103579&partnerID=40&md5=d9fd021c361a6280a1600111b072d11c

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