Bright photorefractive spatial solitons in barium - Calcium titanate crystals

Autor(en): Shandarov, V.M.
Kip, D.
Wesner, M.
Xu, J.
Herausgeber: Klimusheva, G.V.
Iljin, A.G.
Stichwörter: Barium - Calcium titanate; Doping (additives); Electric field effects; Ions; Oscillations; Photorefractive effect; Photorefractive materials; Planar waveguides; Solitons; Spatial soliton; Spatial solitons, Barium compounds; Waveguides, Crystals
Erscheinungsdatum: 2003
Journal: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Volumen: 5257
Startseite: 163
Seitenende: 170
We report the experimental investigation both, of the one - dimensional and two - dimensional bright screening spatial solitons in a promising photorefractive crystal of barium - calcium titanate doped with iron. The effects of the partial trapping of the spatially incoherent ordinarily polarized background light within the soliton - induced planar waveguide as well as the regular oscilations of the light beam intensity and width during the beam self- focusing are observed. For the crystal sample, doped with higher dose of iron (290 ppm), we also find the self - defocusing of light beams due to the light - induced negative photovoltaic lens in the absence of the externally applied electric field.
Conference of Ninth International COnference on Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals ; Conference Date: 30 September 2002 Through 4 October 2002; Conference Code:62684
ISSN: 0277786X
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