Innovative services for health care - Goals, responsibilities and offers of a new center of competence for "promotion of health and prevention of diseases" [Innovative dienstleistungen im gesundheitssektor - Ziele, aufgaben und angebote eines kompetenzzentrums "gesundheitsförderung und krankheitsprävention"]

Autor(en): Batzdorfer, L.
Wulfhorst, B.
Schürer, N.Y.
Schwanitz, H.J.
Stichwörter: Center of competence; chronic disease; competence; Disease prevention; economic aspect; Germany; health care planning; health insurance; Health promotion; health service; Innovative services for human health; market; Prevention; prophylaxis; review; university hospital
Erscheinungsdatum: 2001
Enthalten in: Pravention und Rehabilitation
Band: 13
Ausgabe: 4
Startseite: 153
Seitenende: 160
Economic promotion within a given region in Germany concentrates at present on the management of business premises and commercial settlement. Promotion of health has not been a topic in that context. For the establishment, coordination and regulation of health promotion and disease prevention centers of competence may be reasoned. Interrogation of insurance's, business companies and administrations reveal the need for a center of competence in a given district. Completed, present and planned strategies for health promotion and disease prevention have so far not been embedded into a supervised concept. A center of competence for "promotion of health and prevention of diseases" attached to the University of Osnabrück would concentrate its efforts on companies situated in lower saxony in general, and the region of "Weser-Ems" in particular. Services would contain professional health promotion and diseases prevention as well as prevention of chronic diseases with respect to the promotion of health. The following market research and interpretation of current findings allow the establishment of well such defined services.
ISSN: 0937552X
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