Certificate: "Occupational dermatology (ABD)": New curriculum 2010 of the CME-seminars of the task force of occupational and environmental dermatology (ABD) in the German society of dermatology [Zertifizierung: "berufsdermatologie (ABD)": Neues seminar-curriculum 2010 der arbeitsgemeinschaft für berufs- und umweltdermatologie in der Deutschen dermatologischen gesellschaft]

Autor(en): John, S.M. 
Blome, O.
Brandenburg, S.
Diepgen, T.L.
Fartasch, M.
Wehrmann, W.
Elsner, P.
Stichwörter: article; Certificate "occupational dermatology (ABD)"; certification; CME; curriculum; Germany; human; insurance; medical practice; medical society; medical specialist; Medico-legal evaluation; Occupational skin cancer; patient care; practice guideline; Quality management; skin cancer; Social law; social welfare; Statutory employers' liability insurance; Task force of occupational and environmental dermatology (ABD)
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009
Enthalten in: Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt
Band: 57
Ausgabe: 3
Startseite: 94
Seitenende: 106
The certification of experts is an important constituent in a quality management concept in occupational dermatology. With the certificate "Occupational Dermatology (ABD)" the Task Force of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology (ABD) within the German Dermatological Society has developed a comprehensive CME-concept in the field. The ABD-Seminars meet the current requirements of the statutory accident insurances and social welfare courts. The new CME-seminar curriculum 2010 of the ABD takes into account the recent pioneering achievements in occupational dermatology, e.g. the optimised dermatologist's report and the spectrum of recently implemented preventive measures as well as new regulations, and guidelines including the Bamberg Recommendation 2008/2009 on dermatological expert opinions, including skin cancer. The ABD-seminars (total of 28 hours) are subdivided into four consecutive modules (7 hours each): basic, advanced and two special seminars, one of which is covering occupational skin cancers. The seminars are interactive, based on practice-oriented discussions with experts from different disciplines (occupational dermatology, social law). The seminars should be attended in a chronological order within 5 years. In order to maintain the certificate it is expected to attend a "quality management workshop" (7 hours) in 5-year intervals, which focuses on interdisciplinary case discussions of the current legal regulations and recent social welfare court decisions. More than 600 dermatologists have already been certified for occupational dermatology in Germany. © 2009 Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle.
ISSN: 1438776X
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-70350655774&partnerID=40&md5=1b37e85e9fa14ab1c87aac1ed615f6eb

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