"Bamberg medical bulletin": Recommendations for the appraisment of occupational skin diseases and skin cancer - Part II - Skin cancer [Bamberger merkblatt: Begutachtungsempfehlungen für die begutachtung von haut- und hautkrebserkrankungen - Teil II: Hautkrebserkrankungen]

Autor(en): Diepgen, T.L.
Bernhard-Klimt, C.
Blome, O.
Brandenburg, S.
Dienstbach, D.
Drexler, H.
Elsner, P.
Fartasch, M.
Frank, K.H.
John, S.M. 
Kleesz, P.
Köllner, A.
Letzel, S.
Otten, H.
Pappai, W.
Römer, W.
Rogosky, E.
Sacher, J.
Skudlik, C. 
Stary, A.
Zagrodnik, F.-D.
Stichwörter: accident; actinic keratosis; Aktinic keratoses; anamnesis; article; Basal cell carcinoma; Bowen disease; Carcinoma in situ; chemical industry; clinical assessment; Compensation; diagnostic procedure; Diminution of working ability; health insurance; human; melanoma; occupational cancer; Occupational skin cancer; occupational skin disease; palmoplantar keratoderma; practice guideline; radiation dermatitis; skin cancer; skin carcinoma; skin disease; Squamous cell carcinoma; telangiectasia; UV irradiation
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009
Herausgeber: Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
Enthalten in: Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt
Band: 57
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: 3
Seitenende: 17
The following recommendations for assessment are mainly addressed to experts in occupational dermatology, who, in cases of a questionably occupation-related skin diseases, have to make statements concerning the causal relation to the patient's occupation, the preconditions and the reduction in earning capacity caused by the skin disease. This Part II of the completely revised "Bamberg Medical Medical Bulletin" is dedicated to skin tumors, like squamous cell carcinomas, including Bowen's disease, and their preliminary stages as well as basilomas (also called basal cell carcinoma). There are restrictions concerning some of the below discussed expositions.We explicitely take into account that according to the Guideline of the German Dermatologic Society aktinic ceratoses are categorized as carcinoma in situ. The diseases discussed here make special demands on the appraiser when assessing the interrelation. In contrast to the typical cases of BK number 5101, long latencies, sometimes of several decades, are normal. This has to be considered in the criteria for assessing the causal interrelation. The formal requirements for an anticipated medical expert assessment postulated by the German Social Court have been completely achieved by the recommendations for appraisment for occupational diseases. The "Bamberg Medical Bulletin" was approved on June 12, 2008 in Potsdam in a public consensus conference. The concluding discussion will be published in an extra report of the German statutory accident insurance. The study group "Bamberg Medical Bulletin" was headed by Prof. Dr. T.L. Diepgen. The initial head representant of the German statutory accident insurance was Otto Blome and later Dr. Heinz Otten and Fred-D. Zagrodnik. The minutes were taken at first by Elke Rogosky and later by Fred-D. Zagrodnik. The German Dermatologic Society was represented by the Study Group for Occupational and Environ-mental Dermatology by the follwing persons: Prof. Dr. T.L. Diepgen, Prof. Dr. P. Elsner, Frau Prof. Dr. M. Fartasch, Prof. Dr. S.M. John, Dr. A. Köllner, PD Dr. C. Skudlik. The Professional Association of German Dermatologists was represented at first by Dr. I. Schindera and then by Dr. A. Köllner and Dr. A. Stary. Prof. Dr.H. Drexler and temporarily also Prof. Dr. St. Letzel (Part 2) represented the German Society for Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The Association of Commercial Physicians was representd by Dr. C. Bernhard-Klimt. For the professional organizations which are most frequently engaged with occupation-related skin diseases, the following persons attended the conference: Professor Dr. jur. Stephan Brandenburg, Professional Organization for Health Service and Welfare Work; Dieter Dienstbach, Professional Organization of the Chemical Industry; Dr. med. Karl Heinz Frank, Professional Organization of the Building Industry; Dr. rer. nat. Peter Kleesz, Professional Organization for Food and Restaurants; Ass. Wilfried Pappai, Professional Organization for Engineering and Metall; Dr. jur.Wolfgang Römer, Professional Organization for Metall North South; Ass. Joachim Sacher, Professional Organization of the Chemical Industry. © 2009 Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle.
ISSN: 1438776X
DOI: 10.5414/dbp57003
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-66549089664&doi=10.5414%2fdbp57003&partnerID=40&md5=dae74ea8eb868517d062983a258b5627

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