Longer-term effects of inpatient vocational and ergotherapeutic measures on the vocational integration of patients with schizophrenia [Längerfristige auswirkungen stationärer arbeits- und ergotherapeutischer maßnahmen auf die berufliche integration schizophrener patienten]

Autor(en): Bayer, W.
Köster, M.
Salize, H.J.
Höhl, W.
Machleidt, W.
Wiedl, K.H.
Buchkremer, G.
Längle, G.
Stichwörter: adult; aged; article; clinical trial; controlled clinical trial; controlled study; creativity; Employment; female; Follow-Up Studies; functional assessment; Germany; global assessment of functioning scale; Hospitalization; human; Humans; Inpatient vocational therapy; intermethod comparison; major clinical study; male; Occupational Therapy; outcome assessment; Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; Psychiatric Status Rating Scales; Randomized controlled trial; rating scale; Rehabilitation, Vocational; Schizophrenia; Schizophrenic Psychology; unemployment; vocational rehabilitation, Disability Evaluation
Erscheinungsdatum: 2008
Journal: Psychiatrische Praxis
Volumen: 35
Ausgabe: 4
Startseite: 170
Seitenende: 173
Objective: Unemployment rates are high in people with schizophrenia, so that considerable importance is attached to measures to improve their ability to work and their vocational integration. Methods: In a study of the German Research Network on Schizophrenia the long-term effects of four-week vocational and ergotherapeutic measures on in-patients were investigated. The target criteria were the vocational integration, level of general functioning (Global Assessment of Functioning Scale) and psychopathology (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale). 227 patients were randomized and assigned either to a work-oriented vocational therapy group, or to a creativity-oriented ergotherapy group; 163 patients completed the study. Data was available for 89 patients at the last catamnesis point after two years. Results: No differences were seen between the effects of the two forms of therapy on the development of vocational integration or on general functioning level and psychopathology after two years. The number of patients in regular work declined over this period. Conclusions: It is assumed from this that short-lasting vocational and ergotherapeutic measures do not have any long-term influence on the vocational integration of patients with schizophrenia. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG.
ISSN: 03034259
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-970957
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-44349165081&doi=10.1055%2fs-2007-970957&partnerID=40&md5=bc2c078e5c096d6a7303a3333046d74f

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