Bioinformatics: Problem solving paradigms

Autor(en): Sperschneider, V.
Scheubert, L.
Sperschneider, J.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2007
Herausgeber: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Journal: Bioinformatics: Problem Solving Paradigms
Startseite: 1
Seitenende: 289
Besides the algorithm design paradigms presented in the preceding chapters that have a clear theoretical foundation, various more or less well understood heuristics are applied to solve bioinformatics problems, often with astonishing good results. Though emphasis of this textbook is clearly on strict formal methods, these heuristics should not be completely omitted. Instead of talking of heuristics we use the term metaheuristics here, as the presented methods are more universal frameworks for the solution of various problems, and not so much single heuristics suited for the solution of one, and only one problem. Without any attempts to be complete, the following metaheuristics are presented and illustrated with the aid of some projects. The reader interested in getting a deeper understanding of one of these methods may then consult one of the recommended textbooks. Each of these attempts is briefly presented only as far as it is required for the understanding of the treated applications. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
ISBN: 9783540241669
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-78506-4
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