Certificate "dermatological external therapy (DDA)" - Curriculum for dermatological nurses and practice assistants [Zertifizierung: "dermatologische Externa-Therapie für Pflegekräfte und Fachangestellte (DDA)"]

Autor(en): Elsner, P.
Fritz, K.
Stichwörter: article; curriculum; dermatologist; human; medical assistant; medical education; nurse
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013
Journal: Aktuelle Dermatologie
Volumen: 39
Ausgabe: 5
Startseite: 171
Seitenende: 175
High professional standards of dermatological patient care do not only depend on well-qualified dermatological specialists, but also on well-trained dermatological nurses and physician assistants. Their practical knowledge and experience add to the therapeutic skills of dermatologists and play an important role in the teaching and motivation of patients. Due to economical restraints in the German health system, nurses and physician assistants are frequently trained in a generic curriculum disregarding the specific tasks they have to fulfill in the dermatological environment. At the same time, they should take over more and more responsibilities considering the increasing lack of dermatological specialists. Except for few exceptions (e. g. wound management), specific training opportunities for dermatologic nurses and physician assistants are missing in Germany. The German Dermatologic Academy (DDA) is developing practice-oriented, module-based training programs for dermatological nurses and physician assistants. These can be performed as part of their primary training, but also for already qualified staff in parallel to their job. The successful participation is confirmed by a training certificate. The present curriculum on Dermatologic Topical Therapy for Nurses and Physician Assistants (DDA)" qualifies the certificate holder to perform a specific topical therapy of skin diseases considering localization and acuity under supervision of a dermatologist and to support the specialist in patient training activities. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart New York.
ISSN: 03402541
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1326577
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84877800288&doi=10.1055%2fs-0032-1326577&partnerID=40&md5=0d77b07543cfb052978a72562bc59586

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