Designing and implementing a web based network control system (NCS) for automated real-time routing and management: A case study for Tehran

Autor(en): Sadidi, J.
Ehlers, M.
Stichwörter: automation; database; graphical method; information management; Internet; Network Controlling System (NCS); Open Data; Open Source Software; Open Standards; real time; Real time routing; road transport, Iran; Tehran [Iran]; Web based spatial information system
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013
Herausgeber: Wichmann Verlag
Enthalten in: gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik
Ausgabe: 3
Startseite: 93
Seitenende: 96
In this paper, the design and implementation of an innovative web based network control system (NCS) is discussed. The NCS acts as a web service to manage a routing and traffc control system. The NCS offers a real time traffc control system via the web for classifed users and a routing service for general users. Our test case is the city of Tehran where police, fremen and other offcials have the authority to neglect traffc laws so that they can take different (and faster) routes than the standard users. The NCS is compatible with mobile devices and - very importantly - low speed internet. By using the NCS, the administrator is able to close or open a street or a specifc segment of the target street and to update the street data stored in a relational database management system (RDBMS). The NCS employs two live search engines to fnd and manipulate a street or a street segment. It uses a text live search engine compatible with all major browsers to fnd the target street within the RDBMS and apply changes to keep the routing service real-time. A vectorial live engine is used for graphic interface, especially for the identifcation of road segments. The NCS development, prototypical implementation and applications are based on Open Source Software, Open Standards and Open Data.
ISSN: 18699391
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