Hexa-μ2-acetato-hexa-n-butylhexa-μ3-oxido- tin(IV) toluene monosolvate

Autor(en): Reichelt, M.
Reuter, H. 
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013
Enthalten in: Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online
Band: 69
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: m4
The title compound, [Sn6(C4H9)6(CH3COO)6O6]·C7H8, has one half-toluene molecule and one half-organotin molecule in the asymmetric unit. The latter is situated about an inversion centre and belongs to the class of hexameric monoorganooxotin carboxylates with a hexagonal prismatic or 'drum-like' motif of the central tin-oxygen core. Two Sn3O3 rings in a flat-chair conformation are linked via six Sn - O bonds and six bridging acetate groups. All Sn atoms have approximate octahedral coordination geometry. The Sn - O bonds which are trans to the alkyl group are significantly shorter than the others. One butyl group is disordered over two different sites, with occupancies of 0.9:0.1. Very large atomic displacement parameters of the toluene molecule indicate an unresolvable disorder about the twofold axis.
ISSN: 16005368
DOI: 10.1107/S160053681204888X
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84872046008&doi=10.1107%2fS160053681204888X&partnerID=40&md5=e3dee83aa47b5723f1a07deefbf1d20d

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