Education and training within the family: Transcending disciplinary boundaries in pedagogy within an interdisciplinary field of research [Erziehung und Bildung in der Familie: Pädagogische Grenzgänge in einem interdisziplinären Forschungsfeld]

Autor(en): Müller, H.-R.
Krinninger, D. 
Bahr, S.
Falkenreck, D.
Lüders, M.
Su, H.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012
Journal: Zeitschrift fur Padagogik
Volumen: 58
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: 55
Seitenende: 68
Taking a research project on education within the family as an example, the authors discuss which stimuli may be triggered through an interdisciplinary orientation with regard to educational-scientific theory and empiricism. At the same time, the need for a pedagogical transformation of knowledge introduced from other disciplines is emphasized. The authors explain - both from a theoretical perspective and based on exemplary extracts from material collected - three pedagogical core categories regarding forms of familial practice and their cultural relationality within the context of related concepts of developmental psychology and sociology.
ISSN: 00443247
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