Editorial: Climate change from hazard perspective(s) [Editorial: Klimawandel aus hazardperspektive(n)]

Autor(en): Daschkeit, A.
Felgentreff, C.
Stichwörter: climate change; environmental hazard; hazard assessment; risk assessment
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011
Enthalten in: Berichte zur Deutschen Landeskunde
Band: 85
Ausgabe: 3
Startseite: 229
Seitenende: 237
The editorial outlines similarities and differences in the discourses on environmental hazards and on climate change. Although not entirely congruent, there are several similarities observable in both fields of study and this despite their stemming from different disciplines and traditions. Some even argue that climate change adaptation is just a subset of all-embracing disaster risk reduction. Similarities can be identified with respect to the opposition of mitigation versus adaptation, the weak theoretical foundation of adaptation and capacity, problems of governance, identification and assessment of risks, as ways of dealing with uncertainty. The following four papers are introduced and related to the discussion. Earlier versions of these contributions were presented at the session "Climate Change as Seen from Hazard Perspective" in Vienna in October 2009.
ISSN: 00059099
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84859593955&partnerID=40&md5=d42dace60f7add169718ee10bfa1e47a

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