Economic and social aspects of preventing iodine deficiency [Ökonomische und soziale Aspekte der Jodprävention]

Autor(en): Röhl, S.
Schücking, B.A.
Stichwörter: Antepartum care; Cost-effectiveness; Iodine supplementation; Pregnancy; Prevention of thyroid disease
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011
Enthalten in: Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung
Band: 6
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 111
Seitenende: 115
Background: Iodine supplementation is a well-known measure to prevent thyroid disease in (pregnant and breastfeeding) mothers and their babies. In Germany, as iodine is only added to salt as supplementation for the general population, childbearing and breastfeeding women are at risk for iodine deficiency. Therefore, official guidelines recommend iodine supplementation during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Goal: The paper discusses current survey results (one of them led by the authors) on iodine intake in Germany, with a focus on the childbearing and breastfeeding population. Results: Iodine deficiency is diminishing in the adolescent population, but more than half of the (less educated) pregnant and breastfeeding mothers do not take iodine. Conclusion: With respect to both health economics and avoidable disease, there is a significant need of intensified antenatal consultation regarding iodine intake for pregnant and breastfeeding women in Germany. © 2010 Springer Medizin Verlag.
ISSN: 18616755
DOI: 10.1007/s11553-010-0272-z
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