Zero-divisors of semigroup modules

Autor(en): Nasehpour, P.
Stichwörter: Dedekind-Mertens Lemma; Few zero-divisors; McCoy's property; Primal modules; Property (A); Semigroup modules
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011
Journal: Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
Volumen: 51
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: 37
Seitenende: 42
Let M be an R-module and S a semigroup. Our goal is to discuss zero-divisors of the semigroup module M[S]. Particularly we show that if M is an R-module and S a commutative, cancellative and torsion-free monoid, then the R[S]-module M[S] has few zero-divisors of size n if and only if the R-module M has few zero-divisors of size n and Property (A).
ISSN: 12256951
DOI: 10.5666/KMJ.2011.51.1.037
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