Zwei gestempelte silberbarren und ein spätantiker goldbarren aus crasna (Rumanien)

Autor(en): Wiegels, R.
Stichwörter: Crasna; Feldioara; Forgeries and copies; Late antiquity; Stamped silver and gold bars
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015
Herausgeber: Editura Academiei Romane
Enthalten in: Dacia
Band: 59
Startseite: 371
Seitenende: 375
In 2014 we published two stamped silver bars still unknown up to this date presumably from southeastern Europe that were thought of having been produced in Late Roman Antiquity. One of them shows striking similarities to gold bars especially from Crasna (Romania). But because of the metal analysis and some remarkable details of the stamps we regarded this bar as a modern copy of a similar gold bar from Crasna. In the spring of 2015 we were informed of a silver bar nearly identic with the foresaid piece that was offered in a London auction- catalogue. This "find" supports our suspicion of more than one fabrication of such imitations.
ISSN: 0070251X
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