A mechanism for data interchange between embedded software sub-systems developed using heterogenous modeling domains

Autor(en): Iyenghar, P.
Samson, B.
Spieker, M.
Noyer, A.
Wuebbelmann, J.
Westerkamp, C.
Pulvermueller, E. 
Herausgeber: Hammoudi, S.
Pires, L.F.
Desfray, P.
Filipe, J.
Stichwörter: Application programs; Computer operating systems; Electronic data interchange; Embedded software; Embedded software sub-systems; Embedded software systems; Embedded systems; Heterogenous modeling domains; Heterogenous models; MATLAB; MATLAB /simulink; Matlab/simulink; Model-based embedded software development; Model-based OPC; Modeling languages; Prototype implementations; Real time operating system; Real time systems; Software testing, Development and testing; Sub-systems, Software design; UML
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015
Herausgeber: SciTePress
Journal: MODELSWARD 2015 - 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Proceedings
Startseite: 419
Seitenende: 424
In the domain of embedded systems, the complexities involved in embedded software development are being successfully addressed by the emerging field of model-based software development and testing. However, in embedded systems, the underlying embedded software is often expected to collaborate with various hardware, mechanical, electrical modules/technologies. To address this aspect of heterogeneity in embedded systems, practitioners of model-based embedded software engineering are required to use more than one modeling language. This is essential to address the multi-faceted design aspects/requirements of an embedded system. This paper elaborates on the existing data interchange and coupling mechanisms between embedded software sub-systems modeled using UML and Matlab/Simulink. While there are some existing coupling mechanisms for data exchange among heterogenous modeling domains, they are all not applicable to all real-time operating systems and/or limited to a few simulation studies. This paper addresses the aforementioned gaps and proposes a simple, generic methodology for data exchange between events (in UML domain) and signals (in Matlab/Simulink domain). The proposed approach is elaborated using a seesaw (real-word) embedded software system application scenario example. Initial prototype implementation of the proposed approach, experimental results and some future directions are outlined. Copyright © 2015 SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications.
Conference of 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, MODELSWARD 2015 ; Conference Date: 9 February 2015 Through 11 February 2015; Conference Code:112670
ISBN: 9789897580833
DOI: 10.5220/0005335604190424
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84939559938&doi=10.5220%2f0005335604190424&partnerID=40&md5=06ae8e6635c364cd97eeb6c7ea12ac41

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