The Dilemma of the Militias Ukrainian volunteer formations and the monopoly on the use of force [Das Dilemma der Milizen: Ukrainische Freiwilligenbataillone und das Gewaltmonopol]

Autor(en): Schneckener, U. 
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014
Herausgeber: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Journal: Osteuropa
Volumen: 64
Ausgabe: 9-10
Startseite: 135
Seitenende: 146
After the start of the Russian-supported insurgency in the Donbas, volunteer battalions ennerged in many regions throughout Ukraine. Some are paramilitary defence forces, others are fighting alongside the Ukrainian Army in the country's east. This form of self-defence may be legitimate. However, it is an expression of the state's failure and brings with it considerable problems. Militias undermine the state's monopoly on the use of force and can endanger the country's democratisation. In the worst case, some militia units, especially those with right-wing manifestations, unwittingly become Moscow's most important auxiliaries in the destabilisation of Ukraine.
ISSN: 00306428
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