Impact of occupational contact allergy to phenoxyethanol in cases of occupational skin disease [Auswirkung einer berufsbedingten Kontaktallergie gegen Phenoxyethanol bei der BK 5101]

Autor(en): Geier, J.
Dickel, H. 
Becker, D.
Fartasch, M.
Häberle, M.
Hillen, U.
John, S.M. 
Krohn, S.
Mahler, V.
Skudlik, C. 
Weisshaar, E.
Werfel, T.
Diepgen, T.L.
Stichwörter: 2 phenoxyethanol, 122-99-6; 2 phenoxyethanol, Article; Allergic contact dermatitis; CAS 122-99-6; contact allergy; contact sensitization; health impact assessment; human; occupational allergy; Occupational dermatology; occupational exposure; occupational skin disease; Phenoxyethanol; Reduction of earning capacity
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014
Herausgeber: Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
Enthalten in: Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt
Band: 62
Ausgabe: 4
Startseite: 165
Seitenende: 169
This recommendation assesses the impact of an occupational contact allergy to phenoxyethanol with regard to the reduction of the earning capacity in cases of occupational skin disease according to No. 5101 of the German list of occupational diseases. Phenoxyethanol is being used as biocide, solvent, and excipient in numerous industrial and artisanal applications. Allergologically relevant occupational exposure to phenoxyethanol may occur in a variety of occupational settings. Due to its widespread usage, the impact of an occupationally acquired sensitization to phenoxyethanol is regarded "medium grade". © 2014 Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle.
ISSN: 1438776X
DOI: 10.5414/DBX0231
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