On the army formations of Rome on the Rhine and Upper Danube during the time of Alexander Severus and Maximinus Thrax [Zu den Heeresformationen Roms an Rhein und oberer Donau in der Zeit des Alexander Severus und Maximinus Thrax]

Autor(en): Wiegels, R.
Stichwörter: Alexander Severus; Epigraphik; Germanenfeldzug; Historia Augusta; Maximinus Thrax; Römische Heeresgeschichte; Römische Kaiserzeit
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014
Herausgeber: Akademie Verlag GMBH
Journal: Klio
Volumen: 96
Ausgabe: 1
Startseite: 93
Seitenende: 143
The results of the archaeological survey and excavations near Harzhorn are most probably connected with the military campaign of Maximinus Thrax into Germania magna in 235/236 A. D. But the source material neither clarifies the aim nor the course of the military activities of Rome nor the forces, which had already been assembled by Alexander Severus near Mainz. Interpreting the available literary and epigraphic sources in detail and starting with the military campaign of Severus Alexander against the Parthians this paper tries to clarify the military history on the Rhine and Upper Danube at least in relevant outlines. In this context we particularly defer to the role of special forces in the Roman army - Mauri, Osrhoeni and Catafractarii. Also the inscriptions mentioning catafractarii found in the region east of the Rhine and near the Limes, which normally are connected with the military campaign of Maximinus into Germania magna, will be examined. The military situation on the Rhine and Upper Danube (Raetia) in the year 235 A. D. and the different forces on these frontiers will be commented.
ISSN: 00756334
DOI: 10.1515/klio-2014-0005
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84903885481&doi=10.1515%2fklio-2014-0005&partnerID=40&md5=dbfed40d7800fe2c42c62043520a21c8

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