Work-related migration of the highly qualified: A call for a geographical perspective [Arbeitsbezogene Migration von Hochqualifizierten: Ein Plädoyer für eine geographische Perspektive]

Autor(en): Müller, A.-L.
Plöger, J.
Stichwörter: Employers/employees; Highly-qualified; Migration; Western Europe; Work-related mobility
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Herausgeber: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH
Enthalten in: Geographische Zeitschrift
Band: 107
Ausgabe: 4
Startseite: 305
Seitenende: 327
This paper discusses the current state of research about work-related migration and calls for a spatially sensitive analysis of the role of work-related migration for, both, employers and employees. The argument is built on empirical material from two research projects about the role of employers and highly-qualified employees in migration processes. In particular, we discuss how these two groups deal with work-related migration and examine their respective perspective regarding the demand for spatial and professional flexibility. The analysis illustrates that a geographically informed discussion about the social, political and economic impact of work-related mobility needs to consider both its social and spatial dimension. As a result, we identify three potential areas for further research about work-related migration: investigating sector-specific logics; focussing on the employer perspective on different scales; and further exploration of intersectional approaches. © 2019 Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 00167479
DOI: 10.25162/gz-2019-0018
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