Dynamic imaging of mitochondrial membrane proteins in specific sub-organelle membrane locations

Autor(en): Appelhans, T.
Busch, K.B.
Stichwörter: cell tracking; cellular distribution; Cox; diffusion; diffusion coefficient; F1FO ATP synthase; FCS; fluorescence; fluorescence correlation spectroscopy; fluorescence recovery after photobleaching; FRAP; geometry; hFis; human; imaging; Membrane sub-compartments; mitochondrial membrane; mitochondrial membrane protein; Mitochondrial membrane proteins; mitochondrial protein; mitochondrial targeting signal; Mitofilin/Mic60; Mobility analyses; outer membrane protein; priority journal; Review; Single molecule localization and diffusion; SPT technologies; TIM; TOM; unclassified drug, cell motility
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
Enthalten in: Biophysical Reviews
Band: 9
Ausgabe: 4
Startseite: 345
Seitenende: 352
Mitochondria are cellular organelles with multifaceted tasks and thus composed of different sub-compartments. The inner mitochondrial membrane especially has a complex nano-architecture with cristae protruding into the matrix. Related to their function, the localization of mitochondrial membrane proteins is more or less restricted to specific sub-compartments. In contrast, it can be assumed that membrane proteins per se diffuse unimpeded through continuous membranes. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching is a versatile technology used in mobility analyses to determine the mobile fraction of proteins, but it cannot provide data on subpopulations or on confined diffusion behavior. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy is used to analyze single molecule diffusion, but no trajectory maps are obtained. Single particle tracking (SPT) technologies in live cells, such as tracking and localization microscopy (TALM), do provide nanotopic localization and mobility maps of mitochondrial proteins in situ. Molecules can be localized with a precision of between 10 and 20nm, and single trajectories can be recorded and analyzed; this is sufficient to reveal significant differences in the spatio-temporal behavior of diverse mitochondrial proteins. Here, we compare diffusion coefficients obtained by these different technologies and discuss trajectory maps of diverse mitochondrial membrane proteins obtained by SPT/TALM. We show that membrane proteins in the outer membrane generally display unhindered diffusion, while the mobility of inner membrane proteins is restricted by the inner membrane architecture, resulting in significantly lower diffusion coefficients. Moreover, tracking analysis could discern proteins in the inner boundary membrane from proteins preferentially diffusing in cristae membranes, two sub-compartments of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Thus, by evaluating trajectory maps it is possible to assign proteins to different sub-compartments of the same membrane. © 2017, International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany.
ISSN: 18672450
DOI: 10.1007/s12551-017-0287-1
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85028673237&doi=10.1007%2fs12551-017-0287-1&partnerID=40&md5=69f23a516947984c11f406e429d77e26

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