Web-based and mobile data acquisition in WIPs-De, a nationwide wild plant conservation project [Webbasierte und mobile Datenerfassung im Projekt "Netzwerk zum Schutz gefährdeter Wildpflanzen in Deutschland (WIPs-De)"]

Autor(en): Borgmann, P. 
Westerholt, R.
Oevermann, S.
Zachgo, S. 
Stichwörter: De; Mapping; Mobile data acquisition; Seed collection; Species for which Germany has a special responsibility; Web mapping; Wild plant conservation; WIPs
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: W. Kohlhammer GmbH
Enthalten in: Natur und Landschaft
Band: 92
Ausgabe: 2
Startseite: 69
Seitenende: 75
For many years now various cartographic methods have been used to compile registers of wild plants, animals and fungi: standardised registration forms provided through nature conservation authorities, topographical mapping sheets and GPS equipment. Currently, options for the localisation of plant habitats are increasing through the availability of various web-based portals. The WIPs-De project has developed an online mapping portal which provides a comprehensive mapping and data management system, as well as the associated WIPs2Go mobile application; both are password protected. Manual card-based systems and automatically generated localisation of habitats are coupled with the relevant spatial information, such as physiographic unit or administrative district, and are primarily oriented towards locating parameters and the accompanying variability of the different populations of the 15 plant species for which Germany has a special responsibility. With these methods, scientists, seed collectors and committed voluntary botanists involved in the WIPs-De project now have at their disposal an innovative and practical registration system.
ISSN: 00280615
DOI: 10.17433/2.2017.50153439.69-75
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85017587096&doi=10.17433%2f2.2017.50153439.69-75&partnerID=40&md5=41b1b1c6e06abc3b6cd2d417cb810f30

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