The ‘good life' of nations a global perspective

Autor(en): Fritz, M.
Koch, M.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Taylor and Francis
Enthalten in: The Good Life beyond Growth: New Perspectives
Startseite: 215
Seitenende: 228
Major socio-ecological issues such as climate change have a global character. For the atmosphere it does not matter from which point in the world greenhouse gases are emitted. The structural preconditions for any ‘good life' likewise have global reach. In this chapter, we theorise and operationalise the individual, social and ecological dimensions for prosperity and the ‘good life' at national level and empirically explore patterns of prosperity at the global scale. How are prosperity patterns structured in various parts of the world? Are there any country clusters that manage to develop (elements of) the ‘good life' within ecological limits? And what are the future prospects for the different clusters and particularly for the Western world en route to achieving a surplus in prosperity? © 2018 selection and editorial matter, Hartmut Rosa and Christoph Henning; individual chapters, the contributors.
ISBN: 9781134885176
DOI: 10.4324/9781315542126
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