MRE-Ausweise als patientengeführtes infektionspräventives Kommunikationsmittel im ambulanten Bereich: Eine Akzeptanzstudie in der Region Osnabrück

Autor(en): Bartke, A.
Bojara, G.
Esser, J.
John, S.M. 
Knobloch, J.K.-M.
Greie, J.-C.
Stichwörter: Communication tools; Healthcare facilities; Hospitals; MRSA; Multiresistant bacteria
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: mhp-Verlag GmbH
Enthalten in: Hygiene + Medizin
Band: 42
Ausgabe: 5
Startseite: D70-D79
Background: In 2014, MRE identification cards have been developed by the MRSA network Osnabrueck in addition to already established patient transfer sheets. To date, more than 7, 200 badges were handed over to affected patients via corresponding hospitals the laboratory and practitioners. The ID cards serve to be presented directly by the patients consulting practitioners or healthcare facilities in order to immediately provide necessary information for corresponding on-time hygiene action. Methods: During March/April 2016, a self-selection sample with n=1,053 patients and n=298 practitioners was performed. Acceptance of and experiences with the MRE ID cards were assessed in a retrospective cohort analysis by use of two audience-specific questionnaires. Subsequent data analyses were based on n=56 practitioner and n=112 patient questionnaires evaluable. Results: Evaluation of the questionnaires revealed a high grade of acceptance among both patients and practitioners (79.1% and 89.3%, respectively) but also demonstrated significantly higher rates of MRE card acceptance by the patients than by the practitioners. 50% of the latter stated to never hand over an ID card to MRE-affected patients. In contrast, almost 74.1% of the patients provided with the card already used it in either out- or inpatient settings. Resulting attendance and treatment was not perceived as inappropriate (e.g. in terms of stigmatization); however, 68.1% of patients stated to be handled without additional hygiene action in outpatient settings. Conclusions: Although MRE cards are considered to be reasonable, practitioners tend to act reluctantly in the use of this tool. Reasons for these findings should be subject to further investigations and discussion.
ISSN: 01723790
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