Examining Team Interaction using Dynamic Complexity and Network Visualizations

Autor(en): Wiltshire, T.J.
Hudson, D.
Belitsky, M.
Lijdsman, P.
Wever, S.
Atzmueller, M.
Herausgeber: Nurnberger, A.
Fortino, G.
Guerrieri, A.
Kaber, D.
Mendonca, D.
Schilling, M.
Yu, Z.
Stichwörter: Complex networks; Dynamic network; dynamical systems; Dynamical systems, Dynamic complexity; Face-to-face communications; Network; Network visualization; networks; Social analytic; social analytics; Sociotechnical; Team interaction; teamwork; visualization; Work domains, Visualization
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Journal: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, ICHMS 2021
Given the increasing complexity of many sociotechnical work domains, effective teamwork has become increasingly crucial. While there is evidence that face-to-face communication contributes to effective teamwork, methods for understanding the time-varying nature and structure of team communication are limited. In this work, we combine sensor-based social analytics using a Sociometric badge (Rhythm Badge) with two visualization techniques (Dynamic Complexity Heat Maps and Network Visualizations) to advance an intuitive way of understanding the dynamics of team interaction. To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we provide a case study that examines one team's interaction for a Lost at Sea simulation. We were able to recover transitions in the task and team interaction as well as uncover structural changes in team member communication patterns, which we visualized using networks. Taken together, this work represents an important first step at optimizing team effectiveness by identifying critical transitions in team interactions. © 2021 IEEE.
Conference of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, ICHMS 2021 ; Conference Date: 8 September 2021 Through 10 September 2021; Conference Code:173215
ISBN: 9781665401708
DOI: 10.1109/ICHMS53169.2021.9582454
Externe URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85118926037&doi=10.1109%2fICHMS53169.2021.9582454&partnerID=40&md5=7bbec03e54771b4a4cdc55b67d781975

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