Towards functionalities of self-tracking wearables, their effects on humans and their application areas: Where can we improve?

Autor(en): Behne, A.
Arlinghaus, T.
Kotte, N.
Teuteberg, F. 
Stichwörter: Application areas; Effects; Frame conditions; Functionalities; Goal setting; Information systems; Information use; Literature reviews; Main effect; Manufacture, Application area; Self-monitoring; Self-tracking devices; Self-tracking, Wearable technology
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: Association for Information Systems
Enthalten in: 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2020
Self-Tracking wearables bear valuable opportunities, which unfold when the frame conditions invite users to keep track. In this work, we present the following six crucial functionalities of self-tracking devices: feedback, socializing, goal setting, self-monitoring, gamification and measurement itself. We describe effects that result from functionalities. Subsequently, we derive potential relations between functionalities and their main effects mentioned in literature. We identified sets of functionalities that are combined by the manufacturer so that a certain effect can be enhanced or attained. Furthermore, we put the functionalities of self-tracking devices in connection with lifestyle areas and show in which areas the functionalities are already applied and can be used in future. These findings are summarized in the result artifact and are based on a structured literature review, carried out with five prevalent databases. From the findings, we derived three scientific implications as well as three practical implications for wearable manufacturers and physicians. © 2020 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2020. All rights reserved.
Conference of 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2020 ; Conference Date: 10 August 2020 Through 14 August 2020; Conference Code:165451
ISBN: 9781733632546
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