Acceptance of insects as food in Germany: Is it about sensation seeking, sustainability consciousness, or food disgust?

Autor(en): Lammers, Patrik
Ullmann, Liza Marleen
Fiebelkorn, Florian 
Stichwörter: ADOPT INSECTS; CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE; EATING BEHAVIOR; EDIBLE INSECTS; ENTOMOPHAGY; EXPOSURE; Food disgust; Food Science & Technology; Germany; MEAT; NEOPHOBIA; Sensation seeking; sustainability consciousness; VALIDATION; WILLINGNESS; Willingness to consume
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Volumen: 77
Startseite: 78
Seitenende: 88
This study examines the acceptance of insect-based foods by consumers in Germany. The nationwide online survey (N = 516) focused on which factors have the greatest influence on the willingness to consume an insect burger and buffalo worms. In addition to sociodemographic factors, meat consumption and the ``classical'' variables in the field of entomophagy (familiarity, previous insect consumption, food technology neophobia and food neophobia), the study focuses in particular on the previously unconsidered variables sensation seeking, sustainability consciousness and food disgust. A total of 41.9% of the participants were willing to consume an insect burger. In contrast, only 15.9% of the participants were willing to consume the buffalo worms a principal ingredient of the insect burger. Hierarchical multiple regressions showed that food disgust was the most important predictor for the acceptance of edible insects, followed by previous insect consumption, food neophobia, gender, sensation seeking and food technology neophobia. The high influence of food disgust shows that not only the explicit disgust for insects is decisive for the consumer readiness of insect-based products, but also the domain specific disgust for food. Despite the strong sustainability awareness of our participants, and contrary to our expectations, sustainability consciousness did not prove to be a significant predictor for the willingness to consume insects. Implications for marketing strategies and educational interventions will be discussed.
ISSN: 09503293
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2019.05.010

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