Explicit but not implicit sexist beliefs predict benevolent and hostile sexist behavior
Autor(en): | Oliveira Laux, Stephanie H. Ksenofontov, Inna Becker, Julia C. |
Affiliationen: | Oliveira Laux, Stephanie H., Department of Psychology, University of Osnabruck, Seminarstrasse 20, 49074, Osnabruck, Germany, Germany | Stichwörter: | benevolent sexism; explicit attitudes; Sexism; implicit attitudes; sexist behavior; Attitudes; hostile sexism; Behavior; Sex Role Attitudes; Human Sex Differences | Erscheinungsdatum: | 2015 | Herausgeber: | John Wiley & Sons | Enthalten in: | European Journal of Social Psychology | Band: | 45 | Ausgabe: | 6 | Startseite: | 702 | Seitenende: | 715 | DOI: | 10.1002/ejsp.2128 | Externe URL: | https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&AN=2015-32090-001&site=ehost-live |
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